I Feel Awkward With My Wife’s Boyfriend!
Dear Hillie:
My wife and I are going through divorce proceedings and she is now living with her boyfriend and our six year old son Andrew. I have to talk to her quite often on the phone about the sale of the house, the divorce, what time I will collect Andrew and I feel very awkward when the boyfriend answers the phone – I don’t know how to treat him. He manages to make himself scarce when I go round to collect Andrew and so far we have only met briefly to be introduced and shake hands. How should I deal with this situation?
Hillie says:
It seems the boyfriend feels just as awkward as you as he makes himself scarce when you collect Andrew. Why don’t you break the ice, give him a call and suggest you both meet up for a drink and a chat? When you meet, tell him how awkward you feel and assure him that there you have no hard feelings towards him for living with your wife and Andrew. Hopefully you will a laugh together and even enjoy each other’s company; it would certainly be much better for all of you if you can meet and converse normally in future.